Prototypes and pilot series

After in-depth analysis of your application, you want to be certain that the solution presented will perform. That is why we will make prototypes that will enable you to perform extensive tests. Feedback will often lead to a second, or even a third version. And in case of a pilot series for your product, we will be happy to provide the finishing touches.

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Prototypes and pilot series
Analysis of your application

Analysis of your application

Together with you, we will answer all questions involved in your application. What is the appropriate IP sealing level against dust and water? How to avoid misconnections and damaged contacts? What is the most reliable connector for this particular application? Will the connector need to combine fibre optics, high current and/or low current? How can we realise space and weight reduction? What solutions are available for extreme environments? How can I protect my wiring harness from EMI? Etc.

Your expertise and ours combined

From the very start, we will closely collaborate with you to achieve a perfect balance between your specifications, efficient production methods and the right choice of wires, cables, connectors and components. This procedure will result in optimum cost reduction.

Analysis of your application

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